iglide® J200 - Material data

General featuresUnitiglide® J200Test method
ColorDark gray
Max. moisture absorption at 73° F/50% R. H.Wt.-%0.2DIN 53495
Max. moisture absorptionWt.-%0.7
Coefficient of friction, dynamic against steelµ0.11 - 0.17
p x v value, max. (dry)psi x fpm8,600
Mechanical propertiesUnitiglide® J200Test method
Modulus of elasticitypsi406,100DIN 53457
Tensile strength 68° Fpsi8,412DIN 53452
Compressive Strengthpsi6,237
Permissible static surface pressure (68° F)psi3,336DIN 53505
Shore D hardness70
Physical and thermal propertiesUnitiglide® J200Test method
Upper long-term application temperature°F194
Upper short-term application temperature°F248
Lower application temperature°F-58
Thermal conductivity[W/m x K]0.24ASTM C 177
Coefficient of thermal expansion (at 73° F)[K^(-1) x 10^(-5) ]8DIN 53752
Electrical propertiesUnitiglide® J200Test method
Specific volume resistanceΩcm> 10^8DIN IEC 93
Surface resistanceΩ> 10^8DIN 53482

Plastic Bushings Permitted p x v values
Plastic Bushings Permitted p x v values

Permitted p x v values

Deformation under load and temperatures

Surface pressure

Permitted surface speeds

Maximum surface speed



Figure 27.3: Maximum recommended surface pressure dependent on the temperature
Figure 27.3: Maximum recommended surface pressure dependent on the temperature
iglide® J200Application temperature
Lower- 58 °F
Upper, long-term+ 194 °F
Upper, short-term+ 248 °F
Additional axial securing+ 140 °F

Friction and wear

Figure 2.4: Coefficients of friction dependent on the surface speed, p =108 psi
Figure 2.4: Coefficients of friction dependent on the surface speed, p =108 psi
iglide® J200DryGreaseOilWater
Coefficients of friction µ0.11 -
Coefficients of friction dependent on the load
Coefficients of friction dependent on the shaft surface

Fig. 2.7: Wear, rotating application with different shaft materials, load p = 108 psi, v = 98 fpm
Wear with various shaft materials in the rotating operation dependent on the load
Wear with different shaft materials, oscillating and rotating movement

Installation tolerances

Diameter d1 [inch]Shaft h9 [inch]iglide® J200 E10 [inch]
Up to 0.0196850 - 0.0009843+0.0005512 + 0.0021259
> 0.1181 to 0.23620 - 0.0011811+0.0007874 + 0.0026772
> 0.2362 to 0.39370 - 0.0014173+0.0009843 + 0.0032677
> 0.3937 to 0.70870 - 0.0016929+0.0012598 + 0.0040157
> 0.7087 to 1.18110 - 0.0020472+0.0015748 + 0.0048819
> 1.1811 to 1.96850 - 0.0024409+0.0019685 + 0.0059055

Chemical resistance

Hydrocarbons, chlorinated+
Greases, oils, without additives+
Weak acids0 to -
Strong acids-
Weak alkaline+
Strong alkaline+ to 0

Influence of moisture absorption

Radioactive rays



Delivery program

Electrical properties

Specific volume resistance> 10^8 Ωcm
Surface resistance> 10^8 Ω