<br/>7 Guidelines for Cable Installation
continuous-flex cables in cable carrier

installing Chainflex continuous-flex cables
  1. Unspool cables properly- always allow spools to roll while unspooling cables. Do not pull cables from the flange,or uncoil from the top of the spool. This can cause unnecessary stress to cables.
  2. Check the jacket materials of different cables - in some instances, different jacket materials can stick togetherand cause abrasion. Check to see if your cables’ jacket materials are intended for use inside a cable carrier, or foruse with corresponding jacket materials. Abrasion of jacket materials can sometimes be prevented with interiorseparation.
  3. Cut to the proper length, and lay directly inside the cable carrier. Ensure each cable is long enough for properconnection and strain-relief (see guideline #7). Laying cables is the preferred method for placing inside a cablecarrier, especially cables that have already been harnessed with connectors. Cables can also be carefully pulledinto the proper positioning in the cable carrier if necessary. Avoid any twisting of the cable while placing into thecarrier.
  4. Ensure every cable has room to move freely during movement of the cable carrier. Be sure each cable has plenty of room to move while in operation. This will maximize the service life, and reduce risk of abrasion and other common cable failures.(Learn more about common cable failure modes here)
  5. Take the time to be sure that cables rest in the neutral axis of the cable carrier, especially while operating at the carrier’s maximum bend radius. When the carrier is bent, there should be no tensile forces exerted on the cable.
  6. If cables/hoses of varying diameters are being installed, utilize interior shelving or separators. This will preventtangling. There are two easy cable distribution rules to follow to see if interior separation is needed. The firststates that If the diameters of the cables, D1+D2 are greater than 1.2 x the inner height of the cable carrier, noseparation between the two cables/hoses is necessary. If the diameters of cables D1+D2 is less than or equal tothe inner height of the cable carrier, use vertical separators or horizontal shelf to prevent crossover/abrasion. moreresilient material will gradually wear down the softer jacket, leading to failure.
  7. Use strain relief at both ends of cables. There are a number of strain relief options, including mounting brackets, tie wrap plates, etc. Proper strain relief keeps the length of cable inside the carrier fixed at all times. In certain cases, strain relief may only be necessary at the moving end of the cable carrier.