drylin® T - Mounting Version - Horizontal

1st Step:

  • 1 rail and 1 carriage
  • 1 rail and 2 carriages
  • 2 rails and 4 carriages

2nd Step:

Option: 1 rail, 1 carriage
sy + sz<2 Lx - Y0
ay + az<2 Lx - Y0
sy<5 Zm
sz<5 Zm

3rd Step:

drylin t installation insert
formula 3.1
formula 3.2
formula 3.3
formula 3.4

Variables in the calculation

Fa: Driving power [lbs]
Fs: Mass force [lbs]
Fy, Fz: Bearing load in y- or z-direction [lbs]
sx, sy, sz: Clearance of the mass force in x-, y- or z-direction [mm]
ay, az: Clearance of the driving power in y- or z-direction [mm]
wx: Clearance of the carriage on a rail [mm]
LX: Constant based on the installation size [mm]
Zm: Constant based on the installation size [mm]
Y0: Constant based on the installation size [mm]
b: Clearance of the guide rails [mm]
µ: Coefficient of friction, µ = 0 in static loads, µ = 0.2 in dynamic loads
ZW: Number of carriages per rail

Constant values:

Order numberLX [mm]ZM [mm]Y0 [mm]
TW-01-15 291611.5
TW-01-20 352315.0
TW-01-25 412519.0
TW-01-30 492921.5


1 rail, 1 carriage
K1 |(ay+Y0)/Lx|
K2 (sy+Y0)/Lx
K3 |az/Lx|
K4 |sx/Lx|
K5 sz/Lx
K6 |(sy+Y0)/Zm|
K6 |(sy+Y0)/Zm|

Maximum permitted load:

Order numberFymax, Fzmax [N]

4th Step:

formula 4.1
formula 4.2
drylin T graphic
drylin T graphic

5th Step:

6th Step: